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NAD IV Therapy

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NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), is a coenzyme found in every cell within the body and is involved in many processes.

You must be an established patient with Hydrate & Heal before beginning NAD + IV therapy. To get started, you must receive one of our regular IV vitamin infusions so that we can best determine your IV rate, dosing, and discuss your wellness goals at your consultation.

(If you intend to do this in the future please let your Nurse Practitioner know)


NAD IV treatments can improve many symptoms and conditions, including:

  • Slowing the aging process

  • Improving brain health and neurological function

  • Improving mental clarity

  • Improving brain regeneration

  • Improving depression

  • Boosting energy levels

  • Reducing overall fatigue

  • Assisting with addiction recovery (alcohol, opioids, nicotine)

  • Restoring muscle function and athletic performance


NAD IV treatments supplement and restore the levels of this powerful coenzyme in your body. We mix the NAD in a specialized saline solution containing a concentrated dose of NAD and deliver it directly into the bloodstream via the intravenous route, making it available to your cells for immediate use. Because NAD bypasses the digestive and metabolic systems, you can expect a 100% absorption rate for maximum effect and minimal waste.


500mg - $5000

1,000mg - $7500



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